Game Over...

The game is over, I must admit I lost, but i’m not going to be your puppet anymore. Suffering’s not over, but I’m gonna find the way to fall apart of it. I know it would be hard, but I’m sure i’m gonna make it. Now you can continue playing your game, but not with me, not anymore. It’s true that you won the game, but have you already thought about who’s actually winning ? Have you though about looking for someone like me ? If so.. You should stop searching... you’re not gonna find someone who loves you the way I do! Never ever...
Let’s put the situation in the scale, I lost the game, but because I abandone it. But what about you little shy girl, you lost me, and now that I’m not there for you, you’re gonna see the reality, your reality, how miserable someone feels when is alone, how sadness could take you to want to take your life out... How miserable would you feel when you realize that I’m not there anymore.
Just think about it, the game could have been played in a different way, but you chose that one so now, you’re gonna suffer the consequences. Maybe there’s not any way back, maybe these wounds don’t pretend to be healed by you. Maybe I can find someone who really loves me, and that our game, has not an only winer, but both of us. The game of happiness, love, peace, it would be really amazing, but just by now... it’s only dreaming about the future.


martes, 1 de mayo de 2007


Anónimo said...

hoooolaaa esposooo!!... no se que sera esto pero me metii y bueno paso a dejarte mi huelliita...
amoor gracias por ser como sos..
por esta amistad que tenemos....
qiero que sepas que aunque estemos lejos podes contar conmigo siempre!!!
sabees lo muchooo que te qieroOo y te extrañoo...
buenoo me voy llendoo y despues explicame que es esto jejej!!naa mentiraa..
miles de besoOS!!!
te re cOntra mil qieroooOOO!
mucha suerte y cuidate sii??

E®íí---> tu EsPoSsa =)

Anónimo said...

la vdd manu, IM - PRE - SIO - NAN - TE, qe facilidad qe teens para escribir y ensima en ingles!!!!
jaja, te felicitoo ;)

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